The South Container Terminal expansion, which integrates the TCL’s concession, is the first of the 30 priorities listed by the Working Group appointed by the Government to define the High Value Added Infrastructures (GT-IEVA). According to the final report made public, and that will now be subject to public discussion and in the Parliament, the planned investment in the terminal expansion is estimated at 38 million euros and the EU co-funding is possible. The accomplishment of this work, of fundamental importance for further development of the port of Leixões and the maintenance of the quality of service, has long been claimed by TCL and its need recognized by APDL. Unsurprisingly, the Port of Leixões has four projects among the 30 prioritized at national level. In addition to the expansion of the South Container Terminal, the GT-IEVA also elected the new container terminal at -14 meters (comes in sixth place), the new cruise terminal (eighth priority) and the Leixões logistics platform (14.ª priority). Note that the cruise terminal and logistics platform are already being deployed on the field, in compliance with the Port of Leixões Strategic Development Plan. The GT-IEVA joined representatives of private entities such as the Portuguese Shippers’ Council or the Business Confederation of Portugal and public such as IMT, AICEP, CP or Refer, and the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities (ANMP).