2011-12-21 mosorio
Handling 600,000 TEU is the next challenge TCL puts to itself, said Lopo Feijó at the ceremony of the celebration of 500 thousand TEU. On the next 5-6 years, the average dimension of the container ships will increase substantially. That will represent more cargo, more routes and, necessarily more productivity, implying in new investments, underlined TCL’s chairman. Since the beginning of the concession, in mid-2000, TCL invested already 45 million Euros, when the contract imposed 60 million along 25 years. And a new panamax crane will arrive in May. TCL needs more space and needs also to reformulate the actual one. Because “we’re at the limit of our capacities”, highlighted Lopo Feijó. In order to do that, there have been meetings with the port authority and both TCL and APDL are ready to face new situations. “Let’s hope what will be decided in Leixões is different to what happened in Lisbon” whished TCL’s chairman, regretting the fact Leixões is not also a national purpose.