

The week no. 40 of 2011 got a place in the history of Container Terminal Leixoes when setting up a new maximum activity level.

Between the 26th September and the 2nd October, TCL handled 8,207 containers, equivalent to 12,121 TEU. An absolute record.

At the same time 53 vessels were operated.

The last day of September was the most intense day of work at the quay wall in the week no. 40, with the operation of eight ships that handled 1,452 containers, equivalent to 2,217 TEU.

On storage area, the pace of work followed the progress of operations on the quay, with the reception in the park of 3,298 containers and the delivery of 3,614, a total of 6,912 additional moves that reached/left the Terminal by road.

If "there is no hunger that does not bring wealth," as in Portugal the saying goes, the maximum now reached in the week cannot forget that the available data and forecasts point to a slowdown in container shipping in line with the development of trade and economics.

Still, a new high is always a new high. And the best results are to be overcome. That is what TCL has become accustomed to do since its inception.