CALL OPENING INFORMATION – 28 DECEMBER 2024-12-27 IMPORTANT: After 30.11.2024 - 10:00hrs, INFINITY user can handle old and new Port Scale Unique Ref. So, ESC202XXXXX or PTLE1XXXXXX are available as free text. YILPORT Leixões informs that from 08:00 a.m. and until 5:00 p.m. on the 28th of December and according to the ships’ estimated time of arrival to Leixões, the reception of export containers for the following ships is authorised: PTLEI124000090 AMELIE BORCHARD PTLEI124003367 WEC VERMEER PTLEI124000104 WEC VAN GOGH PTLEI124003370 WEC VAN RUYSDAEL PTLEI124000042 MARIA FRANCISCA PTLEI124003267 VENTO DI MAESTRALE PTLEI124003375 WEC FRANS HALS PTLEI124003399 DREAM PTLEI124003397 TROUPER PTLEI124003253 DELPHIS RIGA PTLEI124003241 NORDIC ITALIA PTLEI124003392 ENDURANCE PTLEI124003191 CHRISTINA PTLEI124003249 ELBTOWER PTLEI124003277 BLUE MASTER II PTLEI124000061 LIBERTAS-H PTLEI124000078 WES GESA PTLEI124000140 MARIELYST |