2010-04-28 mosorio
Although the Port of Leixões works all year round, it seemed the work was proceeding in advance in order to enjoy the holiday of the 25th of April. On Saturday, the 24th of April, the Container Terminal of Leixões had the most intense day of the 17th week. Intense should be read in terms of quantity of units handled, and not in terms of number of operated ships which amounted to only 6 of a total of 35 in the week. On that day TCL handled 1,409 containers (2,431 TEU), whose figures are in line with the best recent days of the Container Terminal of Leixões. However, it still constitutes a marked sign towards the national panorama, at least. Along the 15th week, as said before, 35 ships called the terminal handling 5,984 containers (9,515 TEU). By land, on the same week, 2,609 containers arrived to the TCL, and 2,824 left, totalizing 5,433 more moves on yard.